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Pornhub sued by 40 Girls Do Porn sex trafficking victims. The first court case on behalf of victims was lodged in June Mastercard severs links with Pornhub after review. The victims allege that Pornhub and its parent company MindGeek knew of the allegations against the company, but continued a partnership anyway. The company "simply did not care Pornhub's parent company has settled a lawsuit brought by 50 women who said they were victims of a sex-trafficking operation. It had uploaded numerous explicit videos to Pornhub and other public websites. What was Girls Do Porn accused of? However, the videos were later distributed publicly via sites including Pornhub according to US Attorneys. Mastercard severs links with Pornhub after review. In fact, the entire point of the shoot was to release the videos online to be visible in North America. MindGeek has been contacted for comment on the Jane Does' legal filing.

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