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Frances is an American woman who is attempting to sound like a British man on the phone. He moved to France for political reasons and spoke French all the time, then moved to live with relatives in French part of New Orleans, USA where he learned English, then moved to San Francisco where he picked up American mannerisms he felt that if he studied Sestero's audition videos, he might be able to talk like him. The best guess is that it's the character's deliberate affectation. The Breezies have their own language that sounds like a strange blend between Scottish and Swedish, which carries into the accent of Seabreeze, the only Breezie able to speak English. Buzz Lightyear of Star Command , has the minor recurring villainess Gravatina. The movie's Big Bad note his son-in-law the mine's manager is played by American actor Bradford Dillman who does a much better job of the accent. The latter can be excused because it's not a real accent, but the Scottish is really rather poor. Misa View Profile View Posts. According to Julianne Moore , she created an entirely new accent for her character that sounds vaguely British, but clearly isn't. April 21, Detroit: Become Human was better about this than previous Quantic Dream games. His ocker Australian accent is pretty good too Suzy Eddie Izzard lampshades this a couple of times; namely, in her impressions of a Bond villain and a push-me-pull-you carpet sweeper.

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