Spabk bang

Spabk bang

JSTootell Nov 2, at The rim is pretty hammered but no problems at the joint. Straight Games History Hist. Will never buy Spank wheels again. We're here to write and help our readers, and that involves a wide variety of people, from the less experienced to the all-out experts. My son's had multiple replacements of his spank wheels, and they all fail in the same way. I had one set of Spank wheels and they are the weakest I've ever used. Warranty process was fine, and the next several years on that wheelset was trouble free These wheels are quite durable, IF you take care of the spoke tension! I imagine a brand like Spank invests a lot in one tech, and they simply want to get as much return for that investment as possible by bringing to as many varients as they can, and who can blame them? On the front wheel, I use less tension at around 90kgf and kgf with symmetrical bracing. N FL Nov 1, at

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