Super bowl pornhub

Super bowl pornhub

This year so many football fans took a break from watching Pornhub that there was a whopping 21 percent average dropoff in traffic during the game. Video of Trump walking down stairs raises concern: "There is something seriously wrong" donald trump. Inflation is coming down under Biden. Join the news democracy Where your votes decide the Top Register Log in. Scientists discover gigantic 'structure' under the surface of the Moon moon. Link Copied. The trade marks a homecoming for Caruso, who started his career with the franchise, while sending Giddey to Chicago as a young playmaker. While this is a big dropoff, this year's Super Bowl was less effective than previous years in dragging people away from spending some alone time with their genitals. Football and advertising fans tuned out everything else Sunday evening to watch the New England Patriots pull off the greatest comeback in Super Bowl history. In the past, the website saw the largest decline in traffic during the Super Bowl between the Denver Broncos and Carolina Panthers. Click the upvote icon at the top of the page to help raise this article through the indy rankings. Many economists think it could go back up if Trump wins the presidential election.

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