Team titans go porn

Team titans go porn

When the Titans get overly serious and their conflicts cause the team to split, Robin wonders if they'll ever recover. Earlier episodes are rather prone to going Off-Model , something that was handled about midway through the first season. Raven can also teleport. On multiple occasions, Santa has tried to take over the holiday calendar and turn every holiday into Christmas. Sickeningly Sweet : Weaponized against Rose Wilson. We know your need for porn, and RedTube is the shrine for your sexual salvation. Casanova Wannabe : Beast Boy. Raven isn't allowed to play dodgeball any more because, the last time she was allowed to play, she flipped out and ate the opposing team after being tagged in the head with a ball. Monica Bertolotti is the Italian voice for both Raven and Buttercup. It's telling that the disembodied voice in his head is the sane one. Coyote and the Road Runner featuring characters who are obviously meant to resemble Gumball and Darwin , with the Gumball lookalike representing Wile E. Just as their lips are about to touch, the episode ends.

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