Tumblr nude

Tumblr nude

Originally posted by themeltingmoons. More art, more relatables, fewer idpol brainworms, a chronological feed, and next to no "influencers. Many transgender people found a home in Tumblr for them to post stories, share information and explore their transitions together. It was noble, it was boop. Admit it Originally posted by eclecticshadowwitch. Lola Brooke Is Back to Business. Originally posted by aubstacle-of-course. For some of the people in those queer communities, Tumblr was a place to find porn that suited their interests. And also the guts, the glory, the prestige, and, of course, the badges. Tumblr's "decline" was the best thing to happen to it in years, because it drastically raised the proportion of wallflowers, art kids, and comfyposters among the userbase. Originally posted by endcant.

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