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Simultaneously, the authorities have relied on the Islamic Penal Code to prosecute and impose degrading punishments on women who appear in public without headscarves. This grab taken from handout video footage released by Iran Press on May 21, shows people gathering to mourn the Iranian President and seven members of his entourage during a funerary procession. The Israeli prime minister and his supporters will no doubt be enraged by the actions of the International Criminal Court. The story is about the family of a successful Tehran businessman, being targeted by the revolutionaries in late 70x Iran. Niloufar Hamedi and Elaheh Mohammadi were sentenced to seven years and six years in prison respectively after being convicted of "collaborating with the hostile American government" and "colluding against national security", state news agency Irna said. She described how hundreds of mourners cried out "Woman, life, freedom", which became one of the main slogans of the protests. Although the story and acting are good there are several flaws with this movie. After the Islamic Revolution in Iran, the poor and illiterate that were empowered by the Islamists and mullahs have been given a power to loot, abuse and murder those in minorities,wealthy individuals and those who supported the previous regime. The film begins as the Revolution is beginning. But, seems perhaps the rest of the world may not have shared our 'enthusiasm'. Most of the torture was not especially graphic, but there was one unsettling scene in which Isaac is tied and beaten. An error occurred while subscribing your email address.

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