Virginia pornhub

Virginia pornhub

Old air traffic control tower at Charlotte airport catches fire during demolition. Skip to content. While some pornography websites — most notably Pornhub — have opted to block users from accessing their platforms altogether in Virginia in protest of the new law, residents can still easily access adult content through a plethora of unrestricted, lesser-known websites. First Alert Weather Blog. Virginia is the second state to get the cold shoulder from Pornhub. After decades of advocacy, Fairfax Co. Utah passed a similar law in March, and the site blocked access to users in the state in the days before the law took effect in May. By Meghan McIntyre. Ahead of new age verification law, Pornhub blocks access in Virginia. However, an analysis by the Virginia Mercury shows the majority of these websites are not using age verification methods as mandated. Bob Good hopes final vote count will put him ahead of Trump-endorsed challenger. In May, it blocked access to users in Utah over a similar law.

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