What is pornhub

What is pornhub

Rolling Stone. In response to abusive content on the site, an online petition calling for the shutdown of Pornhub gained over one million signatures throughout Retrieved May 23, Retrieved August 18, Dustin on July 5, at pm. In , a year-old girl was gang raped at knifepoint and claims the videos were uploaded to Pornhub. Story continues. Part of this is because porn embarrasses people; part of it is because many men can be fiercely defensive of pornography, and aggressively hostile to those who criticize it. Image shot In Pornhub discovered a potential ad-based malware attack and was able to prevent it before any users were affected. Archived from the original on 15 December The cascading effects of the harassment and trauma that followed led her to leave school and fall into addiction to cope; she is now sober and living in her car.

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