Whipped women in movies

Whipped women in movies

Man causes his maid to trip over his foot and drop her tray, this gives him an excuse to whip her. La Vouivre - In this French film, a woman Kathy Kriegel submits to being caned by her father, while topless, in front of the rest of the family members sitting at the dinner table. Shadow Killers - Horrible chop-socky number has some spliced in scenes from horrible Girls in Tiger Cage. Beautiful young woman Corinne Clery agrees to do anything which her boyfriend demands from her. Thanks Mark. In the next scene a prison guard treats Deborah's wounds, but nothing is shown. Another set of lashes is applied, and a bucket of salt water is thrown on to her back, causing her to shriek loudly. Thanks Larry This in another one of those great ones that had somehow slipped my mind when I was compiling the list. She is tortured by a dominatrix villain Kala who whips her with a cat o' nine tails. Later, we see the whip marks on her back and her master tells her that they will fade, but the memory of them will not. The version we have here is of lesser quality, but it is uncut. She verbally defies her her father and gets 2 more lashes before climbing a horse and escaping to town.

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