Who is the creator of pornhub

Who is the creator of pornhub

The Local. Texas Attorney General. Manwin executives bought him out in a desperate move, and the company changed names to MindGeek, with two prominent names. News came out that his wife had urged him to quit the company, as the world became much more aware of how MindGeek pushed the boundaries of legality and downright ignored the most basic ethical grounds. Feras Antoon once ran MindGeek, the parent company of Pornhub. However, it wasn't all increased revenue and corporate bonuses—Pornhub, owned by MindGeek, has faced severe scrutiny and numerous lawsuits. Retrieved 5 March Retrieved 17 August Archived from the original on 1 August All rights reserved. It took more than 80 firefighters three hours to get the fire under control, according to the spokesperson. Archived from the original on 15 December

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