Written update kundali bhagya

Written update kundali bhagya

Comments Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Prithvi tries to get Monisha regain consciousness by slapping her. We need series to keep as realistic as possible but not cringe and they should start making series like season wise I. He is ready to pay the money and compensate for the loss. Preeta gets a call from the police station that Karan will be shifted to another jail. Your email address will not be published. Learn how your comment data is processed. After that, if you want to call any physiotherapist, then she will not come back. Karan couldn't help but express his disapproval of Nidhi's taste. Ruchika demands five million from him in twenty-four hours or they will send the video to the Luthra family. WTF is this serial about really Kareena explains that Rakhi wants Dadi to get well soon.

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