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There is a better, maybe even more satisfying life out there for him, and if he sees you as someone who's going to help him cross over into it, rather than someone who's trying to harangue him out of icky behavior, he might get there. Something make you anxious this week, or any week? Approach it as a participant, as a teammate, as someone who might even be willing to drag some of those X-Tube situations into the arena of real life. The DSM manual has no objective scientific value and is highly speculative. I take the marijuana as an example. It is a grey area but shouldn't be shrugged off. It's only going to result in diminishing returns for the both of you, plus who has that kind of time? Either way this goes, your man might need professional help. Then there is what you have, which is "in every spare moment. So, what's your problem? At the moment a lot of sexual harassment cases are coming to light. Dear Dave, I think my boyfriend is addicted to porn.

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